Commodore C64 Users Manual

The Commodore 64 personal computer (more simply, the C64) is a power-
— ful, sophisticated yet easy to use information processing system. With the
C64, you can process almost any kind of information—business, personal,
educational, recreational, scientific, financial and more. And with the C64
__ you can present this information in almost any form—words, numbers, pic
tures and sound.
— With the wide-ranging capabilities of the C64 at your disposal, you can do
all this:
• Word Processing—Type a draft, make changes or correct mistakes
electronically, then print out a perfect final copy. Create form letters and
mailing lists. Save all your material in electronic files and recall it with a
few keystrokes.
• Business Calculations—Electronically creale spreadsheets, do budg
eting and payrolls, create "what if" scenarios, do complex statistical
analysis, calculate tax and income data, and control your investment
portfolio. Do general ledgers, accounts receivable and accounts pay
able. Create full-color graphs and charts based on your numerical data.
Even use the C64 to balance your checkbook.
• Data Base and File Management—Create your own electronic files
and data bases. Store and control all the letters and documents you
write and all the numerical, statistical and financial data you generate.
Keep track of inventories and collections. Create and update status
— reports. Even file recipes. {The C64 can electronically adjust a recipe
that serves, say, four to serve, say, a party of 10.) In short, save, delete,
change or combine any and all of your information at will.
• Telecommunications—Electronically "mail" almost any kind of infor
mation, almost anywhere. Access information services—like Compu-
—- serve, The Source, Dow Jones and the New York Times—for detailed
information on almost any topic. Consult the World Book and other ency
clopedias electronically. Send and receive personal messages and other
— information through computer bulletin boards. Even receive newspapers
on your TV or monitor...